Frey syndrome

I was wondering if anyone’s little ones have been diagnosed with Frey Syndrome at all? I think my little girl has it but doctors aren’t listening to me
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What makes you think she has frey syndrome?

Every time I feed her she comes out in red splotches on her temples, neck and cheeks, it goes back down pretty mush as soon as I stop feeding her, I don’t eat dairy/anything with lactose so it’s not an allergy either. Just can’t figure out what else it is

That is extremely rare for a baby to have this condition. Maybe keep observing it and record it as it can be misdiagnosed as an allergy to doctors unfortunately

@Elizabeth Aneiros yeah exactly she’s not 5 months so not on any solids yet or anything x

Could it be a reaction to her milk maybe x

@Elizabeth Aneiros just breast milk x I know it’s really rare but just can’t think of it being anything. Else

Ok well I would keep hounding the doctors until something is done. You are the only one who can advocate for your child x

Was she C section or vaginal delivery??

I’ve never heard of this so looked it up. Interesting, my 3 year old’s cheeks always used to flush red when breastfeeding as a baby but I didn’t think anything of it. Lately he’s been getting red cheeks when he eats any kind of food. No allergies that I’m aware of. I don’t think he has this syndrome from reading the other symptoms but the link to forceps damage is interesting (he had failed forceps then ventouse delivery)

@Beth c section x

@Danielle haven’t had dairy or lactose since she was born xx

@Jessica yeah it’s such a hard one x

@Chloe I re-read after I posted

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