What about ying-yangs? Or other like cool timeless kinda y2k inspired symbols?
A big moon and a 🚀 flying over it. Beautiful job by the way 🪡 ❤️
You could do a bird in the sky like they are watching it. Or a fish since there is blue on the shirt. Cats like watching things.
What about a few little cat toys. A little mouse, a yarn ball and you can space them out in a somewhat even pattern to look like poka dots?
Some wording under the cats like something sweet
You could get iron on patches fun and easy.
I like it simple imo
You could add more structure to the blue are to make it a bit more like a lake, and a bit of green around the lower left and middle. Perhaps some yellow and purple up at the top to make the sky a sin set?
It’s so cute! Yeah, sun, cloud, bird…
Maybe dragonflies and the sun? Or a tree.