@Lauren Ugh i feel for you. I don’t even nurse her anymore lol. We stopped in December.
I never let my son, but he would if he could 😂
lol. Mine does this all the time but because i am a naked mom. As soon as i come home my clothes come off so im always exposed. I mean i keep my panties on but everything else is always off, so anytime she comes up to lay on me she’s always pinching or twiddling my nipples, and it hurts lol
Yes he does. Sometimes I text my husband to come save the boobs
I just weaned (because I'm pregnant and due to all the Unisom I've been taking for nausea my milk dried up) and she still wants to diddle to fall asleep.
I don’t nurse to sleep anymore but he requires both boobs out while nursing because he likes to twiddle the other nipple 🙄