Oh really does it mean she’s still allergic to something then, what is the difference between aptimal pepti 1 and neocate? Xx
Thank you I will wait a little longer as she’s only been on it 3 weeks and they said it could take 4-6 weeks to settle and get in her system xx
Normal for them prescribed milks !! The poos are awful
My baby was on sma althera which is also a prescription milk and her poo was like this quite a bit sometimes an even darker green.
It's perfectly normal for prescribed milks/cmpa Milks, they make poo a much dark green and a weird texture because of the way it's formulated. The difference between amptamil pepti 1 and neocate is pepti still has milk in it but it's bit more broken down so it goes through there system easier where as neocate as barley any milk in it and it's broken down so small that the body can't actually detect it x
This kept happening to us on all the different milks, we ended up on neocate x