
Any tips for weening baby off dummy?! đź« 
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Apparently if you cut a little hole in them it works 🤷‍♀️

Provide an alternative form of comfort like a teddy bear. Depending on their age you could if they're 2 do the dummy fairy. Where you say good bye to dummy one night and then it's gone. So cold turkey, but they get to say good bye and know they're gone without them just being taken away with no acknowledgment

How old is baby

We just went cold turkey and it worked been 2 weeks now and even when offered she doesn't want it at all now.

I've heard going cold turkey is best. Within 4ish days they've completely forgotten about it. Maybe use a comforter or a teddy as a replacement? That's what I'm planning doing when my boy turns 10m in a month's time

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