Sounds as if he could be ready, I’d give it a go
@Amber-Rose I’m hoping once he goes on the potty one time he understands and isn’t scared as he picks things up super quick
@Katie thank you I will have to look into the best ways to encourage!
This is kinda where my daughter is at except she doesn’t mind getting changed if I show her the nappy she’ll run up and lie down for me to do it. But she tells me if she’s done the toilet and if she isn’t wearing a vest she’ll take her nappy off. We’ve tried the potty a few times but she’s not quite getting the hang of it yet. We’ve tried doing nappy free days and when she starts going to the toilet I’ll put her on the potty or tell her to sit on the potty and she runs over to it and sits on it but usually after she’s finished.
@Candise my son will sit on it as a game sort of thing, he won’t go on after he’s done anything either 😅 I am tempted to try soon and if it doesn’t work wait until spring is in full swing
My LG was potty trained at 14m, which i know is beyond the typical norm. But she's two on Monday and never has accidents, even in bed. I would start it, its just about consistency and effort