My pediatrician told me to wait so no:(
The pediatrician told us not to introduce foods yet but to put him in his high chair during our meal times and put some toys that are ok for him to put in his mouth on his tray. So far he's loving it and it seems to be great practice for when it's time for him to start eating!
I let my son lick some raw vegetables but I don't let him actually swallow anything yet he'll be 4 months next Monday I'm going to talk to his pediatrician then he is on rice cereal already though
@Meg love that for you! Once it gets here you’ll get it started.
@Samantha really?, is there a reason?
@Christie that is a great idea! Does your baby sit up already ?
@Teela let me know what the pediatrician says. How come he is on rice cereal ?
Because he was eating so much so often he wasn't getting enough sleep even with the rice cereal he consumes 36-40 oz of breast milk a day he's a big boy almost 27" and 17lbs
@Incognito he told me her gut is not ready yet.🫤 that i should wait minimum until she turns 6 months
@Teela aww I bet he is such a cute chunky boy 🥹🥹🩵
@Samantha hmm, that’s weird I got told today I can start giving and introducing foods from 4mo-6mo it’s when they start!!
@Teela soooo precious 🥹😍 is this your first ?
Yea he is
@Teela too cute, they grow so fast 😩
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I know i wish he'd stay baby just a little longer
He will still fall over if I sit him up on the floor but we have the Ikea high chair with the cushion and a footrest and he sits great in it!
@Teela right 🥺
@Christie that is so good! Baby will know when it’s time to eat when it comes to the time and it gets him prepared.
Kind of. We’re waiting for a cushion for our high chair because it’s just too big and she sloshes around in it, but once the cushion is here, yes