@Serenity I took another one an hour ago and looks the same as these two from a different package!
That’s so exciting- get some blood work to check HCG levels and make sure they’re going up!!
@Serenity very exciting but nerve racking 🤍 I definitely will
I'll be really honest, this looks like an evap line, and these clear blue tests are notorious for them. Get a pink dye test they are much more reliable
I don’t want to upset you but clear blue are such bad tests for evap lines and as these lines aren’t as thick as the control line, they most probably are evap. Try and get some cheap red/pink dye tests. They’re far more accurate 🩷
I agree with the previous 2 comments def try a different test! I never recommend these because the results are sooo unclear and they’re notorious for evap/indent lines
I would try a red dye test or a digital- they both look faintly positive to me! 🤞🤞🤞🤍