Why is this happening??
On the 30th of last month I was with my partner unprotected and a week later I had pink spotting for a few hours and then it went away so I assumed it was probably implantation bleeding right!? But now it's 3 days before my expected period and my 6 day sooner pregnancy test is saying I'm not pregnant so I'm sooo confused because I've had symptoms ( constipation, peeing a little more, sleepy all the time, and getting hot when normal I stay cold) idk maybe the symptoms could be period symptoms and I just assumed it was pregnancy but that doesn't explain the spotting I had and I haven't had any cramps at all!? What is going on??
Idk if I'm missing something, but implantation bleeding doesn't always happen and it's usually weeks in and mistaken for a period. Is it possible that you two were just a little too rough?