I really liked having the appointments. It’s to check baby and you are okay, any questions you have etc etc. I found being discharged more scary. In my area they don’t give a time they just tell you they’ll come the day after you get home, day 5 (important for heel prick test) and day 10. They’ve changed day 10 to us going to them but yeah. The 2 close together is weird though, and the antenatal outpatients, what are they for? Midwife normal checks? X
Thanks both, I really don’t mind the home visit ones with the midwife, it’s the hospital ones I just really don’t want at the moment and I don’t really understand what they are for. We don’t exactly live close to the hospital, so to have one tomorrow and then Saturday also, I’d really like to avoid us all having to trail about and disrupt the routines we are trying to get into, and I really just want to be home at this time with feeling a bit frail and our boy being so young. I may just call up tomorrow and ask what they are for - I can only go ahead with one of the appointments booked tomorrow so will be home for the midwife and will call the hospital and let them know I have been double booked. Xxx
Yes this is normal and needed. Both my babies had jaundice and this was picked up on day 3/5. They’re only there to help and support you. I would guess the hospital appointment is an error as it would usually be a home visit for the first few weeks It wasn’t really appropriate to ask those questions in front of in-laws though. She should have asked for a few minutes alone with you so totally understand why you be upset about that. I would be! X
my baby is now day 9 and it’s constantly at the moment with appointments my daughter was born 37+3 appointments and home visits are draining me I also have 3 children at home I’ve had no bonding time with my baby. :(
With the home visits and the time on badger, ignore the time. The system has to generate a time but they should have told you they are anytime between 9-5 and they can't give you a time. If you have a hospital appointment the same day, just ask midwife to rearrange to the following day, this won't be an issue as you wouldn't be able to wait in for the day for them anyway x
I had a midwife appointment on day 1, day 5 and day 10. Once they discharged me on day 10, the health visitor got in touch and she did her first home visit on day 14. The appointments are a lot, especially after a rough start! You’ve got this xxx