My 2 year old is typically developing but has been in a super whiny stage for MONTHS now. Doesn’t matter if we’re doing a favorite activity or eating a favorite snack, my kid still whines all the time and it’s horrible 😭 I’ve stopped giving in to the whining a lot of the time. I calmly tell my LO “my ears don’t hear whining, let’s ask nicely please” and then walk them through doing that (“mama, want more snack please”). Doesn’t always work, but I’m trying to set the expectation that whining doesn’t mean getting what you want! But it’s sooo easy to want to give in just so your ears have one minute of peace!! My older kid never whined to this extent, so I do think some of it may be personality and temperament 🤷♀️
I’m so sorry!! My older son had a speech delay and I didn’t realize how much it impacted things. He was 3 and speaking less than my almost 2 year old is now. He also did lots of whining and screaming and honestly still does it just not as much as he used to. My 2 year old is entering the whiny phase the past few months and it’s honestly nothing compared to what I went through with my first. I think the kids who have delays or special needs struggle more and that definitely impacts us. I read all the books and still it is just different. Until you live it you just can’t know. You can do it! Tomorrow will be better! Also I have ear muffs for my son (sensory issues) and sometimes I’ll use them if I get overwhelmed. I can still hear him easily but it isn’t as loud.
He will catch up with physical therapy so keep it up. Look up online things to work on for core strength too!
Offering so much solidarity 💕 My son is around the same age and also was a little speech delayed. He just started picking up talking in the last couple of months but it was non stop screaming and crying all day long. I was definitely very reactive and hated it 😩 Did they talk about doing speech therapy with him as well? Do you also try things like sign language with him? I was working on basic signs with my son (like signs for eat, milk, more, please) and it actually really helped his speech! I never technically sat down and tried to work with him because my patience was basically always rock bottom, so I just tried to work with him throughout the day and model the signs. Wishing you the best 💕