I’ve a we girl and parts of this very relatable. Asking for calpol out of habit she had been sick recently as well, pulling chairs up to help make dinner (she has plastic knives so I let her chop veg) but despot being told not allowed near hob she thinks she’s a big girl and can. Part of them growing up
3 year old boys are something else aren’t they! 😰 I saw a tip once for the car seat where if you stick the rough side of some Velcro on the button it means they won’t undo it because it’ll be sharp on their fingers. Haven’t had to try it myself yet though! In general I find it helps to prepare him for situations, manage his expectations, give him choices wherever possible and give him little jobs to do which he loves!
Tbh it sounds like typical 3 year olds. My boys is abit crazy atm but always been a easy boy. Try to hang in there it should pass.