I haven't been told how engaged she is either, but I did see it written in my notes. Only one midwife had put it down, the one I usually see doesn't note it down either. Very hit and miss really. But my last appointment is at 40 weeks and they told me the sweep gets offered then. But maybe you can call and follow up and ask for another appointment if needed?
Sometimes they tell you sometimes they don’t but it will be in your notes. They check this when feeling your tummy
I wasn’t told but it was at the top of my notes when I checked them ☺️
they know everytime they feel your tummy, they might not tell you if baby is engaged but they definitely would have said if they weren’t My first sweep was offered at 38 weeks and second at 40 weeks was done at the doctors where I see my midwife not at home
My midwife tells me every time if the baby is engaged and writes it down in my notes. My last appointment was 38+3 and we discussed sweeps and induction. My next appointment is on 17th which is my due date and she will do my first sweep, then another at 40+3/4 if the first doesn’t work. With babies engaging, they can go in and out of it for weeks. My baby has been noted down as engaged for weeks now and as of a week ago she was around 2/5th.
My notes that I take home say about engagement. Nhs Wales won't sweep or induce before 40 weeks unless there's a clinical reason/need. It's probably just the process in your area, ask about it when you next go in
Give them a call and ask! You’ve got to advocate for yourself/ push for what you want in appointments x
I havnt been told how engaged my baby is at all. But I do have a sweep tomorrow at 39 weeks and 2 days.