Very positive clear blue but confused
Hello ladies
Bit of a story I’m sorry but need some help.
I got what I assumed was my period 3 days ago. Roughly around 10dpo. It was odd and very light but didn’t think anything of it and I was getting negative tests before it arrived.
Last night I had the urge to do a test. So I did a clearer rapid detection and two lines came up immediately (picture attached). The most obvious positive you could imagine. Now.. here’s where it gets confusing. This morning i tested again with just a cheapy Premom test as they are all I have and there is barely a line. It’s so faint you have to squint. Now obviously when the shops open I will be going to get more clear blue/first response but what is going on?? My bleeding has stopped after two days of spotting. I haven’t had any pain just twinges in my uterus. I know chemical pregnancy is a possibility but the first test was soooo dark. What is going on? I have a doctors appointment this afternoon but would love some peace of mind before then! Thank you!!!
It could have been implantation bleeding. I hope you got the news you wanted from your doctor 🤞🏻