Definitely worth looking into sounds likely. If he's clumsy you might want to check for hypermobility as well. As the two can come together. Hypermobility can affect proprioception which can look like clumsiness.
Why does autism seem to suddenly strike at 19 months onwards. Like they seem to be developing fine, my baby had the best eye contact ever when little, responded to name and was saying more words etc then suddenly started loosing words loosing eye contact not responding to name etc
@Loveth about year and half I'd say, it seemed my son was developing normally and saying words and he walked around 15 months I believe, need to check my phone footage for exactly when. He is such a happy boy but I feel that he has autism mildly and hoping to get it confirmed at his two year review with referral for them to see someone about it. He flaps hands alot, says the beginning of words but not last parts, doesn't respond to name, he is however recently started speaking more words some days and when I tell him no he says no and stops doing what he's doing. I'm wondering if it is autism causing his developmental delay and speech issues. He used to have amazing eye contact, from even month old and he used to listen to his name. It's like he learns words or skills and then forgets them and never says or does them again. It's like he's regressing. I always feel like he's in his own little world but I want him in mine so badly 😢
My son flaps hands, doesn't respond to name, doesn't say much, doesn't seem to elwnr or take in anything I'm saying, it's like he's not able to copy what I'm doing, like I'm talking to myself, he started walking on tip toes a little but not all the time, he is onlbsessed with rocks and shells from the beach we collect, he squints up his face abit, he runs up and down the room, he loves toy cars and lines things up alot, he watches the same programs on repeat, just a few things
He also doesn't and has never slept well, he loves wheels on things, he doesn't eat well, he hates meat, he doesn't care about loud noises, he isn't social, he doesn't answer or aks questions, he's very different to all the two year old I know
Yes my son also