Feeling Overwhelmed

Hoping I am not alone. Lately I have been feeling absolutely exhausted with motherhood, I adore my little boy, it's a joy to see him grow and have him little personality come through a little more every day but jesus I am feeling so overwhelmed recently. Since Christmas it feels like all I've dealt with is colds, chest infections, teething, sleep regressions, weaning stresses and tummy bugs. It's just been a lot and although my partner is really involved when he comes home from work until bedtime, the majority of the childcare lands on me and quite literally I can't remember the last time I left the house on my own without baby or my partner and it's starting to feel a little suffocating. However in couple of occasions where I have had a little time to myself I'm always feeling guilty about leaving my baby, it's like I can't win or relax, even when my baby has gone to bed, I am on edge, thinking that he might wake up and need me as he doesn't yet sleep through the night (7 months old and i have tried everything 😭). I'm just feeling so tired, overwhelmed and a little touched out. My baby has started crying whenever I don't give him attention, leave the room or sometimes when I stop looking and interacting with him when he's in his bouncer etc. Is anyone else finding this stage of motherhood extremely demanding and exhausting? I hope I'm not alone in this, I am starting to worry that I'm not a very good mother. Despite dreaming of being a mum my entire adult life. Just hoping others can relate and I can feel a little less lonely in these feelings.
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You are definitely not alone lovely, I can completely relate to you 💙 I think it is normal to feel like this as it is unusual for us to be in constant demand but in a different way than when they're a newborn!! I find myself feeling so angry and overwhelmed (especially after 10+ wake ups in the night) but I take a minute to breathe!! Its not an easy ride but they will keep changing with each stage - we have got this!!

You're not alone. I said to my partner a couple nights back in a fit of everything you've mentioned above, that I love our son, but I hate having a baby right now. It's all new, it's all hard and it will all keep changing. Hang in there

The fact you’re worrying about this shows that you’re a fantastic mother. I feel the same way so can totally relate. My July baby is a terrible sleeper and is going through a horrible time with teething. It will get better it always does. Keep going mama ❣️

Thank you all so much for your comments and encouragement, it's really something I needed to hear. I'm constantly having to remind myself that this stage is only temporary and soon my baby will be walking and talking and I'll miss the days he wanted me so much. It's just so hard to find the joy sometimes when you are so tired, but we've got this! It will hopefully get easier 🙌

This is such a demanding phase. But I just think it’s all a phase and things change. I’m trying not to feel guilty by putting the tv on for an hour (my sons obsessed with ms rachel it’s actually insane so much he’s mesmerised) when you need a break!

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