Anyone else just feel like their sparks gone?

I love my LO more than anything on this planet and she’s the best thing I’ve ever done but bloody hell this is hard. She’s a really good baby and doesn’t really cry so she’s not the issue. But the anxiety around being a first time mum and keeping your baby safe and I’m terrified of SIDS. It’s mentally exhausting. I feel like I’ve lost who I am and my spark. I feel like I’m nagging at my husband 24/7. He’s not holding her head right or he’s being too rough with her or he’s not making his bottle right etc etc. I feel like everything I’m saying to him is valid in the moment but I’m so conscious I’m making him feel like a shit dad but she’s ultimately my priority so I will always look out for her. I’m sick of crying cause I’m mentally exhausted. I’m so ready so the anxiety to pass.
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Hang in there mama, it took you 9 months to create your LO, you’re doing just great, it’s a gradual process. I’m 2 months pp and I feel same way sometimes. I’m deliberately doing the things I love gradually, like knitting or taking a walk. ❤️

It’s rough! I think sometimes I’m doing a terrible job but then I look at her and the worries disappear. Im 8 weeks PP and I still worry all the time. Even if I’m not with her like if I go to the toilet or something I’m petrified because I’m not there. Hang in there though! You have got this! You got her here safely, you’re doing a fantastic job. I promise it will get easier. I’m praying for all of us it does get easier x

It's so not easy I've spent all night crying because I can't find a nursery for my little one in time for going back to work and it's looking like I might have to quit my job which I really care about. I have severe mum guilt because I also hate the idea of leaving him but apart from money my job is the one thats mine and I feel like I'm losing more and more of myself I don't want to give another chunk of myself away but then I feel like I should want to put everything into raising my little boy and now I have a headache

Sorry you feel this way, have you spoken to a doctor about how you're feeling as it sounds like you may have postnal depression/anxiety?

It’s a really hard time but your spark comes back, just takes a while. As your baby gets older you get some time back to yourself and you worry a little less about things. Everything you’re doing and feeling currently is totally normal, doesn’t make it any easier though x

I can relate to this 10000% I find it so hard to sleep at night all the noises he makes worry me so much but it gets easier… I invested in one of the owl socks and I can finally sleep knowing it’s monitoring him it’s a silly amount of money but if you can afford it the peace of mind it has given me is unreal ❤️

@Holly i love my owlet it's the only reason I feel happy to go to sleep at night

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