
How do you eat with your two year old? We have ours currently eating in the living room at his little kid table while he watches a movie. But it seems lately he's getting distracted. Before we used to have him Sit at the table but he would get done before I and my husband would eat. I just want to see what options we have
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My son eats in his high chair that is pulled up close to our dining room table. Sometimes he finishes before us and I give him a toy or book. Sometimes I get him out of his chair and he plays. Sometimes he sits in my lap while I finish. Sometimes he finishes when we do. Depends on what the food is or what kind of mood he’s in haha.

Same as Nicole. It really depends on his mood that day

My son does what I call “free range eating” lol I put his food on his toddler table and he can eat as he pleases unless it’s very messy food. He likes the freedom of getting up to do something and being able to come back to his food. I never have a problem with him clearing his plate and even wanting more. We snack throughout the day as well usually like a pouch or some type of fruit/ veggie. I say do what works for you and your little one!

He eats in his high chair pulled close to the dining table. It’s a gamble if we are also eating at the same time as our son.

Me my partner our 4 year old and 2 year old all have tea round the kitchen table with the tele off and no phones etc. I always did this as a kid and I think it's so important. No distractions. It's not always a nice calm tea time, with fussiness and toddler tantrums but most of the time it's lovely. Sometimes in the day time whilst my 4yo is at school my 2yo might have a sandwich watching abit of tele but tea time is always at the table xx

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