Men don’t get they will almost never get it. Thats why im not sure i want a second baby. One is hard , imagine 2 and these men don’t do their part.
Yes I’ve tried many times to be more specific and communicate what I need in the moment especially now with 2 under 2. I don’t mind being with them all day everyday and through the night while he’s working. I would just like to not wait 2 hours to be able to shower and unwind too. (We have a second bathroom but it’s right next to toddlers room and don’t want to wake her) I prefer to watch a show and clean things up first so I can unwind with a clean house.
Well maybe buy an Alexa put rain sounds in the kids rooms and you’ll be able to use the bathroom no problem. But honestly i hate that we have to find work around to our problems because our parents don’t listen. I feel you i have to basically draw it out for mine and he still doesn’t get it.
Damn I’m sorry that’s rough!! He was being super inconsiderate and completely lacked empathy 🫂