We are at 7 months too and have one of the fruit dummies which are pretty good. Given strawberry in it and my god gobbled up. We do a combo of BLW and puree. It is hard and we just expect nothing to be eaten and things thrown on the floor but things we have learnt are this: He doesn't like bland food, prefers and devours things with flavour so cinnamon, paprika, cumin etc Hates cold food - ate pancakes but likes them slightly warm as soon as they go cold he isn't really fussed. Hated eggs... Added cheese and slowly started to like them. It's just a lot of perseverance, getting the time right so they aren't grumpy etc. Your LO might just take a little time, I wouldn't make anything special because then it is just a tablespoon of whatever you are eating. Don't want it or like it no worries we'll try again tomorrow. Good luck!!! X
Our baby showed very little interest at 7 months but we always offered a variety of textures and flavors and he slowly started gaining more interest but really on got excited about food recently (he’s 10 months now). Every baby is so different just keep offering different it’s no pressure and she will get it eventually!
@Leigh I started it with making it myself but in all honesty it all just got a bit much when she’s not even eating it yet so I’ve just gone to couches for now. And trying baby led too but that’s also not working 😂🤦🏼♀️
@Claire oo I’ve only tried puree in that. Do you just mush up the strawberries and put it in? I’m honestly so clueless at what I’m doing. She likes playing with food but again doesn’t like it cold and nothing ends up in her mouth. X
Doesn't seem like she's ready in the first year weaning is really just for fun as they're getting what they need from the milk. You could try some finger foods like the crisp sticks they do to try to encourage the chewing side of it x
@Ryann aw that’s good to know it’s not just my baby who is fussy and not wanting to eat! I’ve been so worried that she’s not taken to it like everyone else’s baby that I thought I must be doing something wrong 🙈 this has given me a bit more reassurance thank you xx
I started weaning at 6 months and the only thing my LO would eat properly up until about 14 months was jars and fruit. I’m convinced she hated food 😂 I would cook normal food (no salt) and make into purée, she wouldn’t eat. I would try BLW and she would throw everything on the floor. It was extremely frustrating because she wouldn’t eat but she would put everything in her mouth but food. From about 14 months, it changed drastically. She started eating a little bit here and there. We were doing BLW for lunch and purées for dinner (homemade and store bought). She’s now 22 months and, even though she’s not the biggest eater, she eats a lot better.
@Ana aw that’s so reassuring!! I keep saying she just hates food too! I keep trying but she just locks her mouth shut but will play with the food 😂 It’s so hard to know what to do
Girl same! My baby has only just started swallowing at 7 months. Are you doing homemade purée or pouches? I think my problem was is I couldn’t get the consistency right…