Our guy's getting quite good with the spoon, although he often turns it upside down to put it in his mouth so lots falls off. Weetabix is a good food to practice with because it's a bit sticky so stays on. And he prefers the Munchkin spoons with the long handles. But there are lots of foods we don't bother trying with as it would be too hard.
I gave my son forks and spoons to manipulate at 4 months old. He started eating with them at 7 months old. I always sat him at the table with us whenever we ate.
He started using them when he was 6 months old , at 10 months old he got his upper teeth all four at the same time and just refused to used them since then . I tried every single brand on the market, we always sit with him at the table and encourage him to use them. He is have max four tries and then he will throw it on the floor and just use his hands to eat 🤦♀️😅
My son started using them at nursery and now likes to try and eat independently when possible. He scoops with the spoon though rather than stabbing, so anything that will require a stabbing action = finger food. We have a mix of munchkin spoons and ikea plastic cutlery. He prefers the ikea ones because the handle is nice and chunky for him to wrap his hand around.
My LB started off using the Doddl spoon and fork at home for breakfast. In nursery they just use teaspoons x.
We have the munchkin spoons as the deeper bowl helps keep food on (until he turns it upside down), he prefers a fork though. We always offered them and one day he just picked them up and used them - I think he had seen us doing it and copied.
I have always offered spoon and fork options at every meal just to get used to eating, little one uses them for 50% of meal then picks food up but my LG has some sensory texture issues so doesn’t really like using hands with wet or soft foods shes got good hand eye coordination but its took alot of just offering for her to use properly and sometimes it gets everywhere still depending on what it is🤣x
Yeah ours can feed himself with a spoon and fork now. We always had them out and he just started using them himself when he felt ready I guess! Do you eat meals together? As I think they learn this from watching others.
My son is the same, he tries with a spoon or fork when I give him but it's really messy and he doesn't get much food so he switches to hands instead