Babies can go through periods of time where they just don't want to drink big bottles x
My little one did this last week and she’s 5 months just. I just went by her lead. She’s now down to 29oz a day and was on 34oz. She’s essentially dropped a bottle so I’ve given less OZ per feed to make sure it’s spread throughout the day still xx
Mine is only having 4-6oz per feed and only 4 feeds. She was drinking more before but for the last 2 weeks it’s less. Shes showing signs of teething so maybe due to that
If they drink half of there regular intake over a 24hr period take to hospital so if they have about 30oz a day n they start drinking 15oz or less after 24hrs take to hospital. If they're wet nappies significantly decrease in 24hrs or they don't have a wet nappy in 12hrs take to hospital. However babies who are teething, are ill, coming down with a cold will decrease there feeds which is normal. Keep a little diary of all his feeds and when he had them. Also note how many wet nappies and how much wee like little medium or big. Do this for 24hrs if it looks a lot less then normal take to hospital. But if he's still drinking roughing 20oz then I wouldn't worry to much baby's go through things that can influence there feeds all the time. If it prolongs for more then a week of decreased feeds but not below half then take to doctors just to be sure. When my baby did this hv advise just do little and often so even if that means offering 3oz bottles every 2hrs just to make sure they do get enough x