@Noelle thanks i really don't want twins 😅 nothing wrong with having 2 but I simply cannot afford or cope with 2 at once
I’m 6 weeks and my HCG levels came back yesterday at 46,000 (feels really high to me) especially as yours are only 4906 a week behind me …
@Fiona right! No definitely seems like a singleton number
@Nicola was you 6 weeks exactly when yours were taken? Hcg should roughly double every 48 hours so by the time I'm 6 weeks it would be expected to be around 40,000. So I would assume yours are in normal range for your pregnancy stage
@Noelle had my bloods done again today so hopefully will have results tomorrow and fingers crossed they have doubled. Scan booked on Wednesday at 6+1 to take a peek
Not likely its twins with those levels