Wits end

My son has been referred to a pediatrician for developmental delay and the symptoms of autism he is showing. Health visitor has asked me to keep a diary of what day to day is like as his obsessions and stimming has really changed how we do things. Today I’m at wits end with how he acts whenever I eat. I will serve him his food and then get my plate and he will just moan and whinge the whole time I eat. When I finish eating he stops. If I offer some to him, he stops but if I take a bite again he moans. And it’s high pitched, grating on a chalkboard type of moaning. We’ve come a long way though as before he did this he would just cry and melt down every time I ate. I’ve always shown him, given him a plate, shared from mine. So I don’t ever eat without giving him any. I now eat in the back of the kitchen standing up and as quickly as I can. But this isn’t how I want it to be. I want to be able to eat WITH my toddler at the table. When I talk to other people, I get told it’s normal and most parents eat like this but why is it when I visit peoples houses.. this isn’t the case? They eat together. Another thing he does is, when I talk to anyone else he does the same high pitched screechy moan. If I send voicenotes on WhatsApp to my friends, call anyone.. same annoying whining. Even if I leave the room and go to the kitchen, he will moan whine whinge and he just does it louder and louder. I spend a lot of time playing with him and reading to him as he loves books. I’ve been told by speech and language to also allow him to play as at the moment he makes me do it all. He needs to learn more play skills so I need to let him do it rather than me playing. I just feel like I’m controlled by my 2 year old, as if motherhood isn’t being controlled as it is. I now can’t eat or talk.
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I wish I could hug you. My child has global developmental delay and it’s really hard. I used to wait for him to nap so I could just enjoy my own food, he doesn’t winge or scream but he wants to grab my food and play with it.

@Naz playing with your food 🥴 I don’t know which is worse, I feel for you ❤️ Naps aren’t always had in this house 🥲

I can’t relate in so many ways here. I really feel your pain and the frustration and fear can be quite overwhelming at times. Today’s been particularly hard and I’m exhausted. 😩 sending you love ❤️

🙏🙏🙏 totally relate and understand, message me if you need a chat

@Tiffany sending virtual hugs.. it can get soo overwhelming and you don’t know what exactly they want

@Chelsie it’s soo tough! I forget how sleep deprived I am because of the obsessions being soooo bad

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