I’ve been starting since the winter break. I’m a SAHM to and almost 2yo and a 7mo and the thought of trying to chase a bare bottom toddler around while a baby chases me around stresses me out a little lol. I know she’ll do fine because she was doing it at 11mo (I got relaxed with it because of being pregnant and tired). I’m just mentally not there, but I can’t keep buying diapers and wipes for two kids lol
we have introduced the potty and the terms “poop” and “pee” but he is very unsure of the potty. he’s just recently been trying to take his diaper off. so maybe soon but not putting too much pressure on it
Yeah we started right after Christmas since my husband was gonna be out of work for a few more days
I don't think mine is ready. We put her little potty in the bathroom and she sits on it (with clothes on) and calls it potty but if I try and take her bottoms off to sit on it she will scream . I'm not going to try and force it now
I don't think my son is ready yet. I intend to start sometime in summer since I work less in summer and will have time to focus on it
I potty trained her for the day time last month! Took me six days. I did the bare bottom for a few days and when she started getting the hang around day 5-6 I had her in panties by day 6 she wasn’t having anymore accidents
Update: my daughter yelled out “poo poo” while I was making breakfast. But I don’t know if it was before or after she actually did it. But it’s a start right? lol
I just started introducing the potty, having her sit on it and practice pulling her pants down to sit down. Encouraging her to sit down on it every so often but I haven’t actually started yet.
I think we are going to start soon but I bought the “Oh Crap” book for guidance
I started Monday it hard but she is progressing slowly I'm not rushing her too much. I'm trying to get her somewhat potty trained before new baby gets here in a few months
My daughter has always loved “helping me” go potty since she could walk. She gives me toilet paper and helps flush and says “bye pee” she does tell me when she’s pooped and she’ll bring me her diaper to be changed. But if I put her on the toilet she cries that she wants to get down. So I think she’s getting close. But we will probably start in just a few more weeks when my newborn is a little older.
Also I suggest the oh crap potty training book!
We just started yesterday, Im not taking it too seriously yet but she did pee on the potty by the end of the day and pooped on it right away in the morning. we’ve had a little potty in her bathroom for a couple months and she has been sitting on it since then, getting used to it. yesterday she was bare butt all day and peed on the floor every time except right before bed. she might not be ready, but Ive seen so many mixed opinions on if “ready” is even a thing or if corporations just want you to keep buying diapers. just give it a try and don’t be upset if it doesn’t work. you can always try again!!