Yes my baby isn’t walking or standing unaided yet, at first it was worrying but then I understand every child develops differently. I decided to speak to my health visitor who wrote a supporting letter for my GP who then done a referral to see a paediatrician which you can also do although the waiting list can be months. Unless you have the funds to go directly to a physiotherapist as Yvonne suggested.
My little one will only walk holding my hand and is still very wobbly. My 3 year old was exactly the same- started walking independently from 17.5 months. It is a frustrating stage as they sort of float in between what feels appropriate for their ability! I took my eldest to Little Gym when she was that age and the classes definitely helped and they were great at encouraging movement etc. I didn’t feel she missed out by not fully walking. Obviously once she did walk she could do more but she loved it walking and not walking! No idea if you have a Little Gym near you but any sort of baby/toddler gym session might be good to try? X
My sons the same, he can't walk or stand & it does frustrate me in termsof activities because it is limiting 100% & other babies are toddling around.. i know he'll do it when he's ready but, soon please lol
I had this with my first! She didn’t walk at all until 21 months and I felt so bad for her not being able to join in with things in the same way 😣 we still just took her out as much as we could and gave her as much opportunity as possible (it was better in the summer cause she could crawl on grass and sand etc.) I got her checked out by gp and was on the waiting list for physio (altho I’ve still not heard from them and she’s over 3 now 😂). All babies are so different though! My sept 23 baby was running at her first birthday! But she doesn’t speak whereas my oldest was talking in sentences as this point 😣
Your baby could probably use the help of a good baby physiotherapist. Feel free to message me for recommendations! I know a couple of good ones in different parts of England.