First off you’re doing great by offering both purées and finger foods. I think this is important so that the baby can experience different textures as well as get enough food in in a digestible manner through purées. (Although they say food before one is just for fun, it couldn’t hurt to get the extra nutrition through food) For me the point of BLW is letting baby take the lead in how much they eat, even with purées or puree-like food like yogurt and lentil soup. So giving purées does not go against BLW in my understanding. To answer your question, my 10m old likes to feed himself such puree like foods with a pre-loaded spoon if he’s in the mood. Often he gets playful and holds on to the spoon and won’t let me refill it in which case I do responsive/baby-led feeding with another spoon. Meaning I would take a spoonful close to his mouth and let him come and take it rather than just put it into his mouth. Letting him feed himself finger foods between spoons of puree also helps.
She probably won't get the hang of eating with a spoon yet, my 13 month old still has no idea how to do it and just puts it in his mouth and then throws us haha, try giving puree 2x a day and fingers food 2x a day, the finger foods for breakfast (so toast, omelette strips etc) and a snack (there are lots of blw recipes on tiktok and online) then you get a good balance of the two. The other option is at mealtimes give finger foods first and when she's done give her the puree as finger foods won't fill her up at the moment, she's just exploring! Food before one is purely for fun
Using hands is a great way to develop hand eye coordination so when they’re older they can use the cutlery x
Yep that's totally fine. Don't forget all food before one is just for fun. Cutlery is just for fun as well