Go with your friend enjoy your day. Spend on you love on you I haven’t mentioned anything to my partner I just have it written up on the calendar but either way I’m pouring into myself I have a day planned for me 🫶🏼 always love yourself first
You shouldn’t set him up. Tell him what you want. He wants to know, this just doesn’t seem to be his love language girl.
@Brie this ! Also some men grow through phases where things like that are on their minds and other times.. most times.. not so much
If you want to be with your man, pour into him. Eventually it may be reciprocated - in one way or another. Like @Brie said, it may not be his love language to show you love in that way. Doesn’t mean he can’t learn to show you love in your love language but it can take time to get there. Continue to have open, honest communication with him. Show him and teach him to love you in a way that you best receive it. Relationships and growing both take a lot of patience. I know it can be hard at times but remember, love is a selfless act. Do what you feel is right but that’s my take on it.
I feel like until recently (the last year) I have always made an effort to show him romantic gestures and I would do stuff for him for every holiday and birthday to make him feel special. He has found a way to ruin every birthday I have had since dating. I only get the bare minimum of effort when I beg for it.