Baby doesn’t like savoury

Heyy so my 7 month old LOVES fruit and yogurt he can’t get enough, but the only savoury he will eat is puréed broccoli and cauliflower which he loves, hates everything else. He’s such a sweet tooth, I keep trying different types of savoury and he just spits it out. Any tips?
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At what point during the weaning process did you introduce fruit?

@Elizabeth Aneiros at the start, started with a mix of fruit and vegetables puréed together, I do both blw and spoon, so he won’t eat any veg unless it’s mixed with fruit or it’s puréed broccoli and cauliflower

I could have wrote this myself! I’ve stopped giving veg puréed now and instead giving it/ making it into finger foods. Adding abit of cheese also goes down a treat x

@Lucy it’s so stressful isn’t it, my first wasn’t picky at all and I did the same thing with him😩 which veg has most successful for you so far?x

@Courtney it is! His favourites are definitely sweet potatoes and carrots. I made some like parsnip “chips” today and they actually went down really well! How about yours? X

@Lucy oooh sweet potatoes that’s a good one I’ll try that! He hates carrots 😩 cauliflower is his favourite! How do you give him the cheese? I’m scared 🤣x

@Courtney I gave my son homemade pizza rolls for dinner and that's how he got the cheese 🤷‍♀️

Keep introducing, it can take up to 8 or 10 times (can’t remember exactly) for your baby to accept a new taste and textures xx

My baby was the same, I’ve started by introducing sweet veggies such as butternut or parsnip xx

@Courtney I’ll message you! X

I make sweet potato and butternut squash puree every week and it’s handy for making other things quite quickly but packing lots of secret veg in! For example pasta spirals (I lightly blend these so they’re more manageable for my baby) and add the puree plus a bit of cheese and it’s like Mac and cheese. Or today I boiled some rice with broccoli peas and a stock cube thrown in and again lightly blended this with the butternut puree and he loved it. Try adding more flavours too so cumin, turmeric or garlic to rice/veg based things, cheese to pasta/potato or something like cinnamon and a little butter to sweet potato is a good one too☺️ Also toast! My baby loves to suck a bit of toast and cream cheese or avocado or egg mayo!😂xx

This is why it’s always advised to start with vegetables and only introduce fruit later. It sounds like you may need to “wean” her off the sweetness. Keep making what you are, but adding less and less fruit to it each time. It can also take 10+ times for babies to start liking a food. Keep offering it to her, alongside a safe food.

I second this. I would cut out sweet food for a while. Doesn’t matter if he eats the other food as long as he’s consistently getting used to the non sweet tastes. Maybe try some new ones first then the ones he didn’t like before. I’d also maybe do more baby led than purées so he can explore on his own

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