The basket for ours is dishwasher safe so in it goes after every use. There's so much food residue on it from what we use it for that it would be gross and unhealthy to leave it
I clean it once a week
We have two sections, one for pastries/bread etc which gets cleaned every so often, the other is used for meat and greasy things so gets cleaned out A LOT
I clean it after every use, you wouldn't not clean your pans why would the air fryer be any different 😷
Every so often I've done something like a pastry in there or something and knew I was using it later so didn't but other than that I clean it every time
Probably before the next use. It depends what I’m cooking.
After every use. Every time.
I wish I was an every time type of person
Hand wash after ever use
It depends! 🙃 If I put something in it and I know the next thing going in it is gonna be the same thing then no. But if it makes a terrible mess, I will clean it regardless. My husband has been cooking his wraps in it every morning and it barely makes a mess so we haven’t cleaned it in days! I have also seen people make a mess out of theirs and leave it lol