@Ayesha my little one usually has 3 9oz bottles a day but lately hes refusing his middle bottle x
That’s more than what my baby is on and the hv said it was fine, I’d check with yours xx
@Ayesha thank you. I'll contact them tomorrow x
Reduce the quantity you’re giving. They will naturally drop bottles it’s completely normal. If they are eating 3 meals a day it’s fine for them to have 2 9oz bottles instead. Or still offer the lunchtime bottle but maybe offer 6-7oz instead x
@Elena Thank you I'll give that a try. He's still on 2 meals a day at the minute but he's definitely more food orientated than milk xx
I would add in another small meal x
my baby started to refuse milk a month ago, I spoke with HV but they said not to worry, my baby is taking less then 500ml so I give her vitamin D, and try to give her at least 2 sources of calcium a day, like yogurt for snack and cheese, I still offer her the bottle at night, morning, afternoon and before bed time but she drinks very little, so much milk wasted but it’s ok for now, at 10 months will be just a bottle, can’t wait 🥲
Hi! We are only on 3 x 4-5oz bottles now and according to the health visitor that’s fine. We also give her water through the day