Definitely save it in the freezer. You never know when you may need it - even if you don’t plan on bottle feeding, there may be a situation where you may have to and you’ll be thankful for that stash. Also I ended up giving a lot of my milk away to a friend who was struggling with breastfeeding
Create an oversupply stash in a freezer. Even the alcohol pumps stash it and mark it for milk baths. Expiration is good for up to a year in deep freezer and 6 months in regular house freezer. Rotate it out as First in First Out
I never had much of an oversupply, sadly, even though I tried everything to try. I can only pump 6-8 ounces a day with breastfeeding, and unfortunately, I had to start supplementing with formula bc I don't make enough. I'm not sure why, but it's been like that with each of my 5 children. I'll be able to keep up with their demand in the beginning but after a few weeks, nope. But you can freeze incase you need it in the future, you can use it in babies bath, or you can donate to milk banks or even sell it online.
The more you pump the more you’ll make! Your body is currently trying to work out how many babies you’re feeding (you could have had twins or triplets!). Unless you are super uncomfortable I would avoid pumping as best you can until your supply has settled down in a few weeks. Breast pads will be your friend until that happens 🙈
Do you want an oversupply? If not, only express enough to make you comfortable if you're engorged (hand expressing is generally best for this), any leaking just use breast pads to soak it up. When you pump you're telling your body that the milk is needed so you'll keep producing more than your baby actually needs
Freeze it or use it for milk baths! Also, for the first like 6ish weeks your supply is regulating, which is why you are leaking so much. 🥰