If you're a natural conception pregnancy they will go by your measuring dates throughout the pregnancy, If your pregnancy was via help e.g IVF etc they go by the clinics due dates and despite measuring forward etc will always keep to the clinical dates.. ☺️💖
@Bobbie thank you! 😊 I’m midwife led x
@Dani thanks for this, we’re a miracle natural conception (we’d paid for IVF and were due to start the next month) 🥰
@Louise omg my heart is beating for you with happiness.. love these stories! Warms my heart. Congratulations! 💖
@Dani I'm IVF and once you transfer to NHS they will use the due date calculated at your 12 week dating scan, they don't use clinic dates in my area at all. I was also told they won't revise the estimated due date at any point onwards from that eg 20 week scan. But that said maybe some areas do it differently.
@Louise Oh that's really strange. I'm measuring almost 6 days ahead, but they won't change any dates for me and told me they don't with IVF pregnancies, I even had a private scan and they wouldnt change my due dates despite being ahead. I believe most IVF pregnancies are induced earlier anyway, or so I've been told I will be, but im also very high risk and have about 6 consultants involved.. However, some of my other IVF friends are the same, they didnt change dates based on scans knowing they were IVF 🤷🏼♀️ (Sussex area) xx
@Dani I was measuring 4 days ahead at my NHS 12 week dating scan and they changed my due date from 4 July to 30 June and told me it wouldn't be changed again. I'm in North Bristol, I also asked about whether they make IVF babies come early through induction and the midwife said no but they generally just wouldn't let me go past my due date and that I would have extra growth scans to ensure all is okay. I have age, BMI and PCOS all counting against me in addition to the assisted conception. But I have heard some others say that they wouldn't be allowed to go past like 38 weeks or something in other areas. Each trust seem to do their own thing.
@Louise I hate the inconsistencies seriously! I'll be induced around 36/37 and another 2 women in Sussex had the same with their IVF journeys and less high risk than me! Absolutely crazy each trust and rules.. I'm going to check in with some colleagues around the UK about this.. I'm actually fascinated that different trusts protocols are different, I'm guessing it's funding and resources as always! (With the inducing dates part) 🙄.. But I believe the reason used down here is because your transfer is absolute in a way with a clinic etc... So that was their reason at all my scans (I've had a few).. I'm wondering if my 20 week will be the same 🤔
@Louise Sorry for using your thread for IVF chit chat 😅💕
@Dani yeah I was surprised when they changed my date I think my midwife was a little surprised also. Loads of inconsistencies.
@Dani thank you! 🥰🥰
@Dani don’t apologise, it’s what these pages are for! 🥰
From what I’ve been told, I don’t think they tend to change it at this point unless it’s way out!
@Dani they can strongly advise you to do that, but they can’t make you consent to an induction… but obviously if you ask they to explain their advice to you and you agree it’s good advice, then it’s all good. But i really dislike when hospitals tell women they HAVE to do something/aren’t allowed etc,
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@Victoria you're absolutely right! I have connections in Gyne and Midwifey.. And we're going down with the mindset that if all is okay, then theres no reasons for inducing.. c section etc.. but its hard.. with my history and high riskness (I've had previous surgeries too) they are being cautious at the risk of stillbirth for me.. I see their logic.. but luckily I'm savvy enough to give facts and figures back if it's not actually necessary 💖.. And definately will keep my guard up.. I'm not going to do anything to make it easy for them especially if the odds are very low at the time.. I dislike it very much too, especially when your consultant lead.. they can be misleading, and 9/10 times don't actually give you the odds (which are generally extremely low) 🙏🏻
I think your due date stays at what they get at your 12 weeks scan (your dating scan) and then they'll just consider you as measuring ahead if that makes sense. Are you consultant or midwife led? X