Induction vs C-section

Sorry for the long post! Just looking for people’s experiences on whether or not they would choose an induction or a C-section if given the choice again. I’m 38w pregnant and plus size. They have been pushing an induction since the very beginning of my pregnancy due to bmi however, I am yet to have any weight related complications and before pregnancy I was healthy too- baby is on 82nd centile so larger but, not considered a big baby as not 90th centile or above - so I did not deem the induction medically necessary. This week at my consultant appointment, my BP was borderline, I genuinely believe this was due to nerves as I knew induction was about to be discussed. She has booked me for induction due to hypertension, next week. I went to antenatal assessment today and had a blood pressure profiling and my blood pressure, preeclampsia test and bloods are all perfect. I’m TERRIFIED of being induced and would love a natural birth, I discussed this with a doctor who again said due to my BMI they will not allow me to go over 39 weeks. I was so upset that I asked for information on an elective section too (which they have tried to talk me out of) - I am scared to turn down the induction due to scaremongering from the doctors, if anything were to happen to my baby I’d never forgive myself, I’m terrified of induction and this ending in an emergency C-section anyway and I never wanted an elective section but it seems the lesser of two evils. I know no one can decide but me but any advice would be really appreciated x
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Unless there is a medical reason avoid an induction- I was induced early due to having a big baby and it ended up in an emergency c-section under GA, remember you can say no to anything and don’t be scared into do anything that you don’t want. Unfortunately the NHS seem to be pushing inductions and C-sections as they can then control numbers a bit better! I had a high BMI and it was never mentioned about being induced due to this so I would push back on this What I will say is that my recovery after the c-section went really well

@Chloe thank you so much! I did get quite upset when speaking to the doctor today and said I didn’t understand WHY I was being induced because she had said my blood pressure was likely white collar syndrome, she basically said due to my BMI they like to have birth booked in so they have enough staff to support if there is complications due to my weight (I am big however, I’m also 6ft tall so never been light!), they can make sure the birth doesn’t fall on a weekend etc so pretty much confirming what you have said about it being to control numbers! I’m scared that I am misunderstanding the reason for the induction and I’m putting myself or my baby at risk but I really do not see the need to rush into an induction yet they’re so persistent! X

I was induced and it after 4 days I still wasn’t in labour and ended in c-section🤷🏼‍♀️

I have a high BMI (57) and I've had 2 C-sections. The first one was an emergency one after a failed induction.. I had to be induced due to low fluid levels but I wanted a natural birth so much I went with induction as I didn't want a section. The induction was horrible, I was in hospital for 8 days, only got to 3cm, in active labour on max drip for 18 hours before they called for an emergency C-section... My section was amazing, best experience of the whole thing and the recovery was amazing. I fell pregnant 5 months PP and went for an elective section and again had an amazing recovery, I'm 5 weeks pp now x

@Carrie-Anne that’s my worry too! Everyone I know has resulted in a section from an induction-ive had severe anxiety around birth from the moment I found out I was pregnant too so the lack of control and uncertainty of the induction is even scarier. Can I ask why you were induced if you’re okay sharing? X

110% would do an elected c section again. I’m plus sized too.

@Emily thank you for sharing! I really didn’t want a C-section either, I just wanted to go into labour naturally however, it’s looking unlikely! I’m glad to hear your recovery is going well as this was another fear of mine as I have a bit of an apron belly and congratulations! Xx

I was induced and ended in emergency c section too, tbh I would just go for an elective or let him come in his own time if I could go back. Being in Labour for so long then major surgery I didn’t sleep for two and 1/2 days straight it felt like a big shock to the system, no wonder my milk failed my body was totally done! 😬

I had gestational diabetes and baby was measuring on the 99th centile so they wanted to induce me at 39 weeks. I agreed as I didn’t really know any different and they had convinced me that it was best for baby. After a few different methods of induction had failed, they agreed that the next best step was a C-section as I was getting very stressed and baby was also starting to get stressed out. As much as I would’ve loved a natural birth, I felt like I had so much more control once I knew I was having my Caesarian as I knew when I was going in the next day and what time and I just felt like I had a little bit more control over the situation. I desperately wanted to have a water birth but because of the gestational diabetes I wasn’t allowed x

@Natty thank you! How was your recovery? X

I have an apron too and had no problem whatsoever. Just important to keep it clean and dry x

I was induced for the same reason. I do wish I would have declined it and seen what happened naturally. The fear of it all got to me. I had a very healthy pregnancy and a very healthy baby. My last appointment my BP was high (first time the whole pregnancy) due to stress and nerves and they almost tried to keep me then. I was induced the next day. Got there at 10am on Wednesday, gave birth at 10 pm on Thursday. (Read was having contractions for so fucking long) Here is my advice!!! If it will ease your stress, do the induction. IF you chose induction, just get the epidural. I had the pitocin contractions for 15 hours before I got the epidural. I was so fucking tired and stressed. Once I got my epidural I was able to sleep a little bit it was amazing. Also, you can tell them no about the induction. You can tell them that since you don’t have an actual medical reason OTHER than BMI, you do not want to be induced. It is your right!

I had an induction which ended in emergency c section and honestly was not a fan. If there is no medical urgency or danger to ur or baby and ur passionate about a natural birth then decline it u r well within ur right to do so especially if u don't feel like it's necessary. They just push for it because they have to do but plus size people give birth to babies all the time naturally. The chances of ur induction ending in a c section is pretty high most of them do, and if u don't have a support system then a c section is tye last thing u want because recover is hard specially emergency c sections r much more painful and difficult to recover from x

I personally would not pick an elective c section. I would not have wanted to navigate a newborn and such a huge life change while also having gone through a major surgery. My personal feelings and i know a lot of people disagree with me and that’s okay!!!! I almost had to have an emergency c section. It is always an option!!! You got this! You’re going to do great no matter what!!!!!

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! I have requested to meet with my consultant again before my induction date next week so I’m hoping I can get an appointment to discuss all of my worries with her-it seems like a pretty universal experience so I’m glad I’m not alone🤍

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i’ve not experienced either, but i’ve not heard many positive things about inductions, so i think unless medically necessary (always ask for the pros and cons around them) then to avoid. i’ve got a few friends who have had sections and none have regretted their choice, so again it’s just however you’re feeling. don’t let anyone push you into doing something you’re not comfortable with, if it’s not a risk to you or baby then it’s not necessary x

I genuinely think the anxiety this is causing me is doing more harm than my BMI is!🤣

Recovery was a B. But that was expected. Recovered as per textbook. Took 6 weeks. Was difficult to mobilize without pain but I stayed on top of pain meds and discontinued them on day 10. My husband and family helped me to care for baby. I did what I could but also took time to recover.

Absolute same boat. I was induced the day before my due date & it failed, was discharged at 0cm. Induced again at 41 weeks and 2 days, painful experience with the medications and ballon and my baby had 000 intention of exiting. After all the medical interventions, there actually was an urgent reason to have a c section and I agreed. Staying active during my pregnancy and only gaining the weight of the pregnancy, about 10 lbs, made the second induction a choice that I agreed to. Some days I wish I didn’t because of the cascade of interventions that DID happen. But on the other hand, we wouldn’t have known that baby girl had nuchal chord x1 nor possible meconium aspiration. She was born at 41w 4 days, healthy, happy, and safe.

I was induced at 39+6 and it worked very quickly, no further interventions needed. Epidural definitely needed by me, but it was fine!

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