I used a portable potty when we first started just to help her get the hang of it. Now it stays in the car for when we’re out & at home she exclusively uses the toilet but I do think the potty was a help the first 2 weeks !
She has accidents, like today I was trying about every hour on the toilet with her then this last time about 12:15 she went a crouched in the corner and peed 🙃 and I have a little seat that I take with us everywhere, and when she was younger I kept trying the little potty and she’d refuse to sit for more than like 2 minutes
Are you using the naked method? I recommend it !
Not right now, we don’t have a heater in our home (we’re in Az) so we put her in a sweater and pants because the house can get kinda chilly I’m worried it’ll be too cold for her with the naked method 😭
Would you still recommend that method with 4 other kids in the home, one being a cousin and one sibling of opposite gender?
What happens at the end of the time frame? My son will tell us no all morning, then go running to pee later (4-5 hrs ). Sounds like she has great bladder control