Oh yes baby starts nursery at 1 and I got work I can’t wait . I still wear the same outfits all the time because I can’t even be arsed to go look for other ones ( we moved houses when I was 38 weeks ) . I’m really looking forward for him to start nursery so I can put things together and go back to my old self a bit more
It really is, isn’t it! It’s the up and down of it that is so hard. Some days seem easy and then others are really tough. We get out the house a lot and I have a great group of friends, lots who have children as well, but I just feel like I’ve lost the old me.
@Justina I’m so glad you said this. We’ve just moved house too. I was always the one to make such an effort to look nice and feel nice but now, I can’t be bothered hahaha
Yeah I wear the same three outfits all the time ..: I’ll sort myself out when I have time it’s very draining mama
It can take over a year to find yourself (and new style!) after having a baby so definitely go easy on yourself 🩷
I find it so hard. I got pregnant again when my first little girl was 7 months. She does go to nursery 3 days a week but I still struggle. My husband is amazing too but he has to work. I feel like I need to have octopus arms. I can't do it all when he's working and they're both here. It's awful but sometimes I dread Mondays when they're both here and I feel so guilty feeling like that x
@Miriam I get so happy when it’s time for hubby to get back from work and 9pm when baby usually goes to bed . It’s like my quiet time
@Justina I get it completely. If my husband works from home at about 3 o clock I'm shouting up when are you finishing. Knowing fully well it's not before half past 4 to five o clock. Haha xx
Being a mum is harrrrrrrrrd but you’re doing amazing I’m sure! X
I was due to be on ML for 1 year but couldn’t go that long. Lost myself, exhausted, cabin fever, can’t get anything done. So I’m going back in 2 weeks. Ill miss my baby somewhat but looking forward to the structure and the break. It’ll be emotional leaving him at nursery but feel it’s the best for us both now
I find if I spend all day at home with my little one I go stir crazy so we always go out which means everything else gets neglected but it’s a lot better for my mental health and for her. I’ve already returned to work, I miss her like crazy when I’m working but I’m also enjoying being back! Motherhood is a wild journey of emotions x