@Nirveeta not usually she’s a very fussy baby and usually screams until we find a way to calm her down
Is she spitting up or is she maybe pooling food in her mouth and then letting it go?
Is she spiting up after being burped? My son is doing the same exact thing. He’s a hard baby to get to burp so he’ll spit up because of that but still try to latch to me. I’ve been giving him gripe water to help his tummy and he usually stops after that.
It isn’t until 6 weeks that babies become more used to the outside world without amniotic fluid. Just part of the 4th trimester. Also comfort suckling is common and 1 month olds go through their first leap which causes fussing. I use MAM pacifiers it’s the only type my baby will take. I also offer my baby the breast even when he’s full as it’ll be mostly fatty hind milk which helps my baby feel full and sleepy. Also helps with any reflux that might be happening with your baby. My baby wants to nurse more when he has reflux so if your baby is arching her back or choking on milk over an hour after a feeding you’ll need ask your pediatrician about baby reflux
My baby also keeps asking for food when I know he’s full because he already threw up and has the hiccups so I just try to know not feed him more even if he asks if I see hundred percent that he’s full because then he gets really uncomfortable for a while and fuzzy so at the beginning, he wasn’t able to keep up with my letdown so just little by little he’s gotten better at eating faster but now he gets a lot of milk in a very short period of time like in five minutes on one boob so what you can also do is try to pump and feed him on the bottle so you also have an idea of how much he’s getting and I’m doing this just because he got RSV so we’re in the hospital and I’ve had to pump but yeah, I think that maybe as low flow bottle could help
@Anna she’s definitely spitting up, I’ll take her off the boob and she’ll spit up alot and then continue to root
@Amber she barely spits up when we burp her she spits up after she’s sat for awhile I’m not sure why
@Eryn what can the pediatrician do about reflux? Do they offer help with it or is it just something you kinda just have to live with.
@Paola pumping may be a good idea so I can see how much milk she’s eating.
@Stella My son did the same thing. i started to sit him upright to breastfeed him and then burp and have him sit up for 30 mins before laying flat after feeds. Another thing you could do is limit dairy in your diet for 3 days and see if that changes anything. Another culprit can be gluten. My son seems to be doing way better. There's not much the pediatrician is going to say but the same thing. As long as baby is gaining enough weight they don't intervene with spit up or reflux problems. Another thing to check is enough wet and soiled diapers will tell you if she's getting enough milk. You may also be overflowing so sticking her on the less flowing nipple can help as well. If she's done feeding and you know she's had enough.
Not sure if it helps, but my baby is also spitting up a lot. Sometimes he’ll just pull off and scream even when I know he’s not done nursing on that side… that’s usually when he needs to burp. After he burps/spots up, I usually go by time or by his look on his face, and if I can’t tell from either of those, I put him back on and see if he’s swallowing. So basically after he’s burped (and usually spit up on me and himself) if it hasn’t been at least 8 minutes, I put him back on. If he’s still whining with upset face and clenched fists, I put him back on. If I put him back on and he’s just hanging out or doing quick little sucks with no swallowing - I take him back off, because I know he’s not actually hungry or eating. Spitting up by itself doesn’t mean he’s full, because he’ll be upset if he’s still hungry.
Mylicon drops are a godsend. My son had a horrible silent reflux. Also setting his bed at an incline and keeping him upright with no pressure on his stomach for 10 min after a feed. He did grow out of it thank God.
@Zero well the pediatrician said she should be gaining an ounce a day and she’s only gaining half an ounce a day but spitting up after every feed so that leads me to believe that something else is going on.
@Jennifer okay thank you, I’ll try to work on that.
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@🪷Faith🪷 I’ll try not laying her down that may help because she usually eats sitting down
@Stella usually if breastfeeding no more dairy, spicy or acidic foods. Butter is usually fine though. Also they do offer baby reflux medicine for severe reflux cases
@Eryn okay! Thank you for the info!!
Will she take a pacifier when it gets to this point?