Tips on increasing breast milk supply

Hi girls, im struggling to increase my breast milk supply, my baby is one month old and im producing literal drops only, I try to breast feed her 3/4 times a day but she gets frustrated and I have to give her formula after because she’s still giving me hunger cues It’s so heartbreaking because I feel like I’m not doing good enough for my baby I delivered her with assisted forceps so I don’t know if that’s causing an impact? I’ve had multiple surgeries in the last 2 years too because my healths not been the best, I’m not sure if the trauma is causing my body to produce less? Any advice would be much appreciated, I literally get less than 5ml after 2 hours of hand expressing or nothing with my pump after an hour (I’m using the Elvie stride) Thank you x
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I found this helped Also make sure you're having loads of water

Keep trying if you can, plenty of skin to skin, keep putting baby to the breast they are much more effective than a pump! Ask your midwife or health visitor about breastfeeding support. Are you feeding or pumping through the night?

After doing some research I came across using camomile tea bags. You place warm camomile tea bags on your nipples and let them stay there as long as you can. I do this overnight. It helped with my supply. At first I thought it was silly but it’s a cheap route to try and you have nothing to lose. I also found drinking natural electrolytes helped. Coconut water was my go to.

Drink plenty of water and I found that Hendricks or ovaltine help with milk flow

My daughter is 13 weeks -it has been a long road for us with breastfeeding /milk supply! How is her weight? Wet and dirty nappy number? These will tell you if she'svgetting enough milk. Definitely seek support from someone who can check your latch and give advice -if yourvbaby is not latching well and not taking much milk, your body won't produce much. If no dedicated infant feeding support in your area, health visitor will be able to advise. I had to do several weeks of 'triple feeding'- breast feed approx. 15 mins, give formula top up, then pump 20 mins. I had to do this 8 times per 24 hours, with one pump being between 2-4am when the body naturally has higher prolactin. It almost broke me, but my baby is now mainly breastfed apart from a bottle of formula before bed, and other random times when I'm away from her and her dad feeds her with formula. I still have anxiety about my supply now! The amount you can get when you pump doesn't necessarily reflect how much milk you make. Good luck!

Drink more water Trust me it works

Drink sooooo much water! Also head to a herbalist or homeopath who specialises in breastfeeding if at all possible- it might seems ‘woowoo’ but the old tricks are usually the most effective when it comes to breastfeeding! I have a tea which contains fenugreek and fennel and this really helps with milk supply. You’re doing so well. Keep going!

Drink water. For me what worked was: drink coconut water After the feeding, express by hand ( so we tell our bodies we need more).

Power pumping helps!

I know frenugreek seeds help so much, but they make the body smell a bit

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