Baby growth slowing down

Hey I’m 36 weeks + 1 and the midwife measured the baby’s growth as slowing down on the chart so they’ve booked me in for a scan in a couple days. Trying not to panic but has anyone else had this happen? Movements seem fine to me but now I’m paranoid I’ve missed something
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This happened to me with my 3rd and like you got booked in for a growth scan and at the growth scan the measurement that the midwife got was accurate with his growth so basically at 37weeks on the dot had to go in to be induced . However I’ve known people who have gone to mw and the mw be completely off and everything be fine in the growth scan. Don’t panic . X

Hey I'm currently here too! Mine was picked up on my growth scan 36+3. Baby is measuring 5lb12oz so they're not overly concerned but noted that growth velocity had slowed since my previous scan 4 weeks prior. They've booked me another scan in 3 weeks I'll be 39+3 providing baby hasn't arrived already. They did say to me that it could be that the measurements at 32 weeks were off slightly but equally it could be that their growth has slowed down. No one seemed massively concerned though x

I'm in the same boat, growth seems to have slowed since 32-34 weeks. Waiting on my third growth scan now. I'm still within the 'not a concern but keep an eye on' centile so I'm trying not to think about it. I've read that the measurements can be off by up to 20% too. My close friend was almost induced for a big baby but she came out less than 7lbs!

Midwife thought I'd had no growth from one appointment to the next and sent me for a growth scan... Baby still growing fine and consistent with previous scans, so sometimes the fundal height measurement can be a bit unreliable

This happened in my first pregnancy and when they did the scan he was actually measuring on the larger side and they were then concerned he'd be huge 😅 lots of factors can impact a bump measurement so try not to worry!

Thank you all 💫 had the scan today and everything is totally fine. They said it’s just that she’s travelling down into position and different midwives measure differently but scan determined all ok 👌🏻

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