Are they teething or unwell? My little boy has been like it this week and he’s got both going on
Yes everything on the floor
@Emily Nope she’s absolutely fine x
Mine won’t eat finger foods but will eat those soft meals you can get. Annoying me as he’s like this at home but not around others
Yes our daughter is completely off her food this week. Also not sleeping well so putting it down to teeth or being unwell. I’m trying not to get worried but it is making me anxious!
Yes! We’ve literally just come out of a phase of this and I was getting so worried. He was refusing/throwing everything except fruit/yoghurts/fruit pouches and his Milk and occasionally toast. He did have a cold (but he’d already had it ages by this point) but then I realised his molars have started to make an appearance so maybe they were super sore rising toward the gum line?! I really don’t know! Anyway I was so stressed about it… and then he then randomly starting eating again 🤪, the teeth are barely cutting the surface so honestly I’ve no idea what it was all about but I’m sure your LO will get back there in a week or so x
Yes mine has but he’s teething really bad, so I imagine it’s just that 😪