When I went for my growth scan I had to be referred to fetal medicine too due to head being in the 3rd centile. Overall my baby is small anyway on the 13th but they were concerned about the head & even asked me if I had all the screening done at my 12 week scan!! The consultant wanted another growth scan before seeing me so have to wait another 10 days or so for the growth scan and then will see the consultant so I have no outcome for you sorry. I obviously went on a google spiral & scared myself on what a small head could mean but what I will say is that th majority of posts etc I read on forums stated that everything turned out fine. The readings can be inaccurate at this stage due to position of baby’s Head & also you never can get exact measurements from a scan and even a few mm can really alter the centiles. I do feel for you as I’m panicking myself. Sending lots of love x
@Kathryn she didn’t get a second opinion but has referred me to a specialist for fetal medicine (whatever that is) but all my previous scans have been fine so it’s completely thrown me x
@Lauren ahhhh hun 😭😭 they asked me about my screenings today which were all low risk, baby is on 74th centile but head arms legs on 5th?! Doesn’t make sense!! I’ve been on googled and scared myself too, it’s so unfair that they say these things and then just leave us not knowing! I’m just praying all is fine. Keep me update with your baby too xxx
These scans are notoriously inaccurate — obviously I can’t say there’s no risk of a problem but my friend was referred to foetal medicine because of concerns about the baby’s head being small (can’t remember what centile but it was very small) and when the baby was born her head was bang average and she was completely healthy.
And personally I was referred for growth scans in my last pregnancy because bump was small. Scans said she would be 50th centile and she was born 7th centile (but still perfectly healthy, just small). I’d go for the appointments but take everything with a big pinch of salt. The scans might be the best tool we have but they’re very very often wrong
@Zara they must have been querying Down syndrome from what I’ve read on the small measurements. I know, to be fair she didn’t say much to me other than asking about the screening & we need to check the head but obviously we are going to go google and drive ourself insane. Did she keep measuring the head over and over? Mine did as there was a tele in front of me and i could see everything she was doing. I’m just praying it was a positional thing xx
@Jaime what weight was your little one born at & what gestation if you don’t mind me asking? X
@Zara it’s seems odd that the previous scans showed no issues so I’m really hoping for you that this scan was an inaccurate one. Hopefully you’ll get some answers soon x
@Lauren I honestly can’t remember if she measured the head a lot because we was chatting away, I wasn’t paying much attention. But from the research I’ve done tonight, her head is measuring 29.6cm and the ‘average’ is 31cm which is literally 1.5cm different which doesn’t seem a huge amount to me!? I think everyone is right and these scans are highly inaccurate tbh!! Xx
@Lauren it just doesn’t make sense. That’s saying your baby’s head is 298.8 at 34+2 and mine is only 29.6 at 35+2…. Ugh this waiting around is killing me! Xxx
@Zara yeah that is actually really odd. I did consider if she’d put the head circumference and abdominal circumference in the wrong boxes. We must have the same due date as I was 35+2 yesterday too xx
@Lauren to be honest I’m doubting the sonographer now as going off readings, if they’re even 1mm out it can throw the whole thing off. Awwww 19th March is mine 🥰 think I’m going to have an elective c section the week before though xx
@Lauren oh yeah I just looked at the abdominal measurement and that’s smaller than babies head!? Doesn’t make sense! Xx
Not heard of this before, did she get a second opinion on measuring? Have you had issues in others scans to date? Has the head been measuring small previously? X good luck momma