Low supply

Not sure if this is normal, I’m 12 days pp and have been pumping everyday around 4 times a day because I want to up my supply but haven’t been able to feed LO because he’s tongue tied so cannot latch but also I was on antibiotics. While on the antibiotics I pumped loads and have loads frozen (baby blues wouldn’t allow me to pump and dump) and now he’s able to drink it via a bottle I’m just not producing any. I’m using momcozy m5 to pump on L1. Can anyone guide me to help me produce more because I’m concerned that once his tongue has been snipped I’ll be dry! I’m drinking around 2L a day. Having oat milk in my coffee. Sometimes, if I can stomach it, I have porridge for breakfast. Added electrolytes during the day. Green veg with every dinner. I’m also taking supplements but always open to different ones. Having skin to skin with LO every day. Lack of sleep is a big one at the moment though so unsure if that is contributing to the lack of milk. Who knows. Any help is much appreciated. Desperate here.
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Hey Jade, you sound like you’re working so hard to do the best for your little boy. You also sound like you’re exhausted - do you have any help nearby? Lack of sleep definitely impacts milk production so if someone could take him for an hour or so to let you get a nap that might do you a lot of good. Are you pumping after latching your baby or just pumping alone? You need to be removing milk from your breast at least 8 times a day whether that is with the pump or by feeding baby. Who advised you to pump and dump while on antibiotics? That shouldn’t be necessary. Every time LO gets a bottle you should pump to tell your body that he needs milk. Wearable pumps aren’t as good as hospital grade pumps for most people - it might be worth seeing if you can get one of these.

So when my boys were in nicu and couldn’t feed, I was advised to pump every 2-3 hrs which meant at least 8x a day (including overnight). It was brutal and I didn’t last much longer than 2wks (wasn’t getting the skin to skin that you’d get with direct feeding/being home so I believe lack of oxytocin was to blame for me). Look up power pumping to mimic feeding, that’s what I did. Starts off with fast short suction then tapers to slow deep suction if I remember correctly. Good luck! xox

And the hospital grade pump 100%, I have a Spectra S1 x

Gotta pump more at least 8x in 24 hours and I’d use a plug in pump they have better suction. As mentioned above Portables unfortunately aren’t very good as a daily pump situation for milk supply.

You’re doing so much! Lots of amazing info already shared above, just wanted to mention a few things that helped me: - Hospital grade pumps can be rented. I rented a Medela hospital grade, and I know others are available as well. - Don’t believe wearables that call themselves hospital grade — they could be great for wearables, but they won’t be quite the same as hospital grade. That said, I don’t think plug-in hospital grade pumps are necessarily the answer in every situation. I pumped more overall with a wearable in-bra pump because I was able to do it more frequently and easily than having to sit by the big machine for a dedicated pumping session. It’s partly the machine and partly what works best for you and your family and lifestyle in this intense moment together.

I agree with all the above you need to pump every 2-3 hours when baby isn’t feeding (and even if they are if they have a tongue tie effecting latch) and use a hospital grade wall pump you can use a portable later but while you’re establishing supply it’s really important.

- Make sure you’re using the right size of flange for your nipple. You can measure yourself or get a circular thing to measure from Amazon for one or two pounds. I thought measuring myself would be sufficient but I actually found the measuring tool really helpful. If the size you need isn’t offered by your pump, you can make a workaround. There are flange inserts to modify the size, but I found that what worked best for me were the Elvie Nipple Cushions made for the Elvie Stride pump which I just inserted (well) into size 24 flanges for whatever pump I was using. They’ve worked brilliantly for me and I’ve had no rubbing/chafing which I did from the silicone flange inserts.

4 times a day just isn’t enough, breastmilk supply works on supply and demand. You need to be pumping every 2-3 hours day and night.

a lack of sleep can definitely contribute to a decrease in supply, if you have anyone to help and watch your little so that you’re able to get some sleep that’ll be helpful

Thank you everyone for your words of wisdom. I’ve looked into the pump I have, turns out I was not using it to its full potential (I.e. just turning it on and hoping for the best. I’m now making a more of a conscious effort to pump more and for longer. The flanges are correct, I remember sorting these when I got the pump. I’m working on getting more sleep. I’m just at the tail end of baby blues and feel guilty for sleeping but that’s slowly going. I will carry on working on myself and if that doesn’t work then I’ll look into getting a hospital grade pump. Thank you again to everyone who commented 🥰

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