@Dal my midwife and the BARTS nurse who trained me for my gestational diabetes glucose testing both said pregnancy cant go past 40 weeks 4 days
I’ve had two GD pregnancies in queens Romford. They wouldn’t lets me go past 39 weeks. 1st I was induced at 39 weeks ended up with emergency c section and 2nd they booked me c section at 38+5 as I refused another induction. But I was on insulin as control to metformin that’s why I did say depends on meds too
I had it and mine was diet controlled. Booked my induction for 40+6 days but went into labour 3days before my induction day. Had a lovely water birth with no intervention. As long as your blood sugars are fine, and baby/scans are fine, it wont affect delivery (that being said, labour is unpredictable but that on its own will not affect delivery and labour) They will do baby’s blood sugars after they are born then again after few hours after a feed. Depending on which hospital you’re at, you will be offered an induction. NICE guidelines advise not to go past 40+6 if diet controlled and there’s no other risk factors (scans and growth/blood sugars okay) but some hospitals will induce or offer an elective c section between 37-40 weeks. Also, you don’t need to be concerned if you’re not having Brixton hicks. It’s not something that is super vital for you to have at this moment. Some people get it, some don’t
@Dal ahh right, maybe hospital policies as well Mines royal london
@Sasha yeah possibly. I wasn’t allowed a water birth as I had to be on the monitor the entire time. They wouldn’t let me off it to even pee. My induction experience was awful. But then again everyone I know who gave birth at queens had a very similar experience
They won’t let you go past 39 weeks especially if you’re on medication. So if you haven’t gone into labour they will try and force you into induction or an elective c section. What hospital are you with