Just babbling?

I don't know if I should be worried yet or not but my little boy (16 months) doesn't say many words at all yet. He can say mama, dada, yes and no, he seems to understand most instruction and what we say to him but otherwise he just babbles and talks gibberish? I find it really cute and funny but don't know what he should be saying at this stage. I know all babies are different, he's my first though so just unsure lol.
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My daughter is similar. She tries to say words like cat (ca), ball (bah-ble), and others the only words I’ve heard her say other than like oh no, uh oh, mama daddy have been shoe and quack. But 95% of what she says is actual gibberish 😂😂

My son was the same, but I just kept talking to him, and breaking down small words into sounds for him to make, now he’s learning a new word almost every day 😅

My daughter is the same. I’m trying to teach her colours at the moment but just getting nowhere. She doesn’t say many words at all just babbles, I don’t know if I should be concerned either as she is my first also!

@Leilani colours aren’t a common one to learn until 2-3 years old so try not to worry x

My little boy same he’s 16 months old and he says mama and daisy but everything else is just a sound xx

@Taylor thank you for the reassurance! I need to stop comparing really, but I just worry that I’m not doing enough! X

@Leilani I am the exact same. My daughter has hit most milestones about two months later than “average” and it used to freak me out but she always hits them just in her own time so I try to just let it happen… emphasis on try 😂😂

Totally normal! If he’s understand what youre saying and starting to follow instructions in a few weeks you’ll suddenly get a spurt of words! My little girl says: dada, mama, ta-ta (which means please, thank you, give that to me, and here you go 😂) can also roar like a dinosaur if you show her one and screams and covers her eyes at the end of “row your boat” 😂

You can always sing nursery rhymes with him, then after a few times miss a word and see if he fills it in

My lG only says 3 words at 15 months and mostly gibberish

Mine says mama, dada, wow, bye bye. But we are a trilingual family so I don’t expect him to start talking properly until 3

That little one is most definately communicating! Just chatting in a different language, so definitely a precursor of speaking. I was concerned myself, HV says 2-5 words at 16 mths is 'normal', but could be a little more or less - not to worry yet. Mine says mama, tries to say uh-oh and haha, and says meeeo when he sees the cat 🤷🏼‍♀️ and lots of babbling, but that's it

My little boy is the exact same, loves a babble but struggling with actual words. He has said a few like yours, but seems to say them for a while then refuses to say them again, apart from ball and dada 😂 They're still young tbh so I wouldn't worry, especially if he's said words and understands you. Just keep doing what you're doing and keep it simple. Also I know you shouldn't generalise, but boys to have a tenancy to develop speach later than girls as well.

Our LO wasn’t where expected at 12 months for communication but a little ahead physically.. it’s like that’s what he was choosing to focus on.. moving, walking etc.. then over last couple of months he’s really been focusing on sounds and words and can say a fair bit now.. I feel like sillyness with animal sounds helped peak his interest and efforts to join in. A fee times mow he’s made me jump… will wake blurt out a random word a few times and go back to sleep.

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