Tongue tie

Anyone have a baby with tongue tie? My LB had his cut 1w1d ago. Because of this prior to having it cut i was having to supplement with formula after breastfeeding him. Since the divison he is still being supplemented and is having both breasts and than a 4oz bottle after every feed which is around every 3 hours. He is 4w3d old today. I wondered how long I need to keep supplementing him with formula for?. I am expressing after feeds but only the day time feeds to try and get my milk supply up. Any advice or tips?
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I’d stop supplementing because unless you are also pumping right after feeding then your boobs aren’t gonna know to make more milk because you are supplementing. Also that’s a lot of oz for a baby. So maybe just try to keep breastfeeding and breastfeeding more often instead of giving a bottle. Distract after they are done breastfeeding so they won’t immediately want a bottle

4oz of formula after both breasts is a lot of milk for a baby that small. Have you had your latch assessed now the TT is cut? If everything is good I would look to stop supplementing so that your body can regulate to his needs

My little girl had her tongue tie snipped yesterday and they advised not to give a bottle to allow for her to relearn how to latch and breast feed and not get confused. So maybe try somehow to limit the bottles? Did they show you the exercises to do like trying to get his tongue to follow your finger along the bottom gums?

Maybe try skin to skin to get supply up.

I am seeing my health visitor on Tuesday so will get some advice then. I do express after the feeds but only 4 of 8 of them as dont do the night ones and early morning one. He is still such a hungry baby though and is unsettled after having both breasts (he's only usually on for around 5/10/15 mins max on each side. I think the latch does needs to be assessed as at times when he wakes up for a feed he still struggles to latch and then gets very upset and starts screaming i know its definely got better when he latches but i still think there are issues but i also know its still early days.

@Steph he could be developing bottle preference if you're seeing fussiness at the boob and not on the bottle. Health visitors can be really hit or miss, so it's probably worth finding some specialist support from an infant feeding worker. There are usually council run breastfeeding clinics or a hospital based infant feeding team that can come and see you at home. This is also a really common time for them to become fussy as they're more awake and trying to increase your supply so will slam their fists on the boob and lick the nipple and shake their head all to try and stimulate supply

Yes I will go to one of my infant feeding teams lactation support sessions for advice. It was my HV who said he had tongue tie and she was correct.

@Steph sounds like you've got a really switched on HV so that's great! Good luck 😊

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