Also, the fact those things are so cheap, they asses shouldn't wait till one day out of a year to do it.
@Nova exactly! There’s so many ways to show love. So many ways to spend quality time and show someone they’re appreciated. And Valentine’s Day is no surprise it’s the same day every year.
Yes, even if it’s a money issue which is completely understandable, a hand written note expressing their love and appreciation would be just as lovely.
The sheer laziness of some of the partners of people who have explicitly mentioned they want something as well. It’s so so easy to spend a tenner on some crafts and just 10m a day for a week to make something beautiful, or cook dinner that night or arrange for a family member to babysit etc. So fed up of excuses being ‘they’ll do it later’ or ‘they forgot’. So many people posting deserve sooo much better xx