Feeling Down

Hey Mamas Happy valentine to you all I’m feeling a bit down today, I have 2 kids under 3yr old with the youngest being about 11months old and it’s difficult going out or doing anything with my husband. If we go out, we have to leave in hurry because of kids crying and I have been feeling like I’m caged like I’m in a dark space being a SAHM who is also working from home and watching both kids 24/7 is overwhelming especially as I don’t go anywhere, always at home and don’t have any friends or family visiting only during the summer I go on a walk with the kids in the evenings after my work and breathing the fresh air helps me feel a bit relieved.. Today i thought my husband would say let’s go out like i can’t recall the last time I got dressed and did makeup but he instead decided to order something for us to eat at home because of the kids I just want to get out 🥲 , get dressed and go out. Motherhood is a hood, very lonely and not enjoyable when you have no village. Hope y’all had fun today🥂
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Hey definitely understand but remember these moments with your LO you can still dress up and take cute pics with your babies. Also on days like this stay off social media everyone gonna act like they have the perfect relationship, it’s a lie. There’s groups on Facebook that share childcare when you need a break you can start from there.

Hey mama! The only bit of advice I can give is to consider a gym that has childcare. My boy is 2.5 and we just started going. The first 3 times he cried and didn’t want me to leave him there but after that he was like “byeeeee” lol. I know it’s not going out out. Butttt it is a nice little break and you get to get the dopamine fix of working out while your little ones are playing. Honestly I sometimes go for like 2 hours so I can stretch,work out and Sauna.

@Ashley thank you I will see if I have any around me

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