Toilet training
Is anyone’s little one still not pooing on the toilet/potty?! She’s been amazing at doing wees, never had an accident, been dry all night but no bribery in the world will get her to sit on the potty or toilet when she needs a poo, she will just put her own nappy on and if I hide them she will just hold it in!
We struggled up until before Christmas with our little boy, tried everything you can think of! The only thing that truly worked was a lucky dip bag, I'd tried bribing with prizes before but I think he had to physically see and get the reward straight away. I spent about £50 on loads of bits from B&M, couple of big bits, books, bag of chocolate coins and other bits then wrapped them in tissue paper and said if he does a poo he gets to open a prize. It took a few days with the lucky bag being left in the bathroom before he entertained the idea but honestly as soon as he did the first one he was back on another three times doing tiny poos to get more prizes 😂 x