Mine takes anywhere between 750-1000 on some days. It can sometimes just be dependent on when their bottles fall in a 24 hour period, and growth spurts, so it sounds absolutely fine to me x
My little girl is 8 weeks old now and her feeding very much varies, sometimes she only wants 5oz and other times she wants 10oz it is completely upto baby, they’ll tell you when they want more and when they’re full and don’t worry about over feeding just go with the flow of what your baby needs and wants xx
Mine drinks 1000ml+ within 24 hours
My boy has around 900ml a day 5oz feeds
Thanks everyone 🩷 much appreciated! Was getting worried that I’m over feeding her!!
My first baby didn't drink this much but my baby boy loves his milk, he's now on 6oz each feed and he drinks the lot it's very rare that he leaves an oz haha x
She will tell you if she’s not hungry, if that’s any more reassurance x
Mine just turned 7 weeks and takes about 750ml a day. So I would say yours is ok