Sit with them to watch other kids on YouTube use the potty. Watch Elmo potty song on repeat on YouTube. Implement a potty chart Mon Tues weds Thurs Friday and add treats so when they potty they get rewarded when they go successfully and just know it takes some time, sometimes you have to have them be naked less accidents in clothing happen that way aswell. Always celebrate them don't punish them because as children they are still learning just as we are
I don't have much advice because I didn't do any of those things. I just kept taking my son to the potty every hour and would fight him to stay on there until he peed. I did that for a long time. I kept telling him "no accidents". Then he would stay dry during the night, so we switched to underwear at night. He's only had one accident during the night. Poop was another battle. He would have poop accidents every day. Only within the last 2 weeks has he been going poop on the potty. Every time he farts, I take him to the potty. Just yesterday, he started to tell me when he has to pee. Every kid is different. You pick what's good for you and just stick with it. It will take a long time. Good luck momma!
I read a lot of potty books for like a year in advance just to familiarize my little with the concept. That might have been overboard but I had been planning to potty train her earlier. Then I followed the Oh Crap potty training method and its was a lot easier than I expected.
I waited until he was showing clear signs of readiness. There was a potty in the bathroom for him sense he turned a year, he was allowed to play or sit in it for play whenever to get used to it and not be scared. At 22 months he started using it himself and never went back to diapers. It took a lot time to really get it down and the first few weeks were hard, there were lots of tears on my end from frustration.
I’ve been normalizing it a lot to help. Watching videos, reading books, and we even borrowed a potty doll from the library